Sunday, January 1, 2012

Resolutions to Attempt

This year I have a few things I want to do or work towards. One main goal I have is, surprise!!!, to get more fit. Here are some ideas that should help me along with this goal:

  1. Try to get to sleep by 10 so I can get in the necessary sleep for my body to work efficiently.
  2. Drink 3-4 bottles of water (24 oz.) a day.
  3. Exercise for 15 minutes in the morning and 20 in the afternoon - breaking it up to ease into working out.
  4. Eat fish once per week.
  5. Eat fruit with each meal and veggies with lunch and dinner.
  6. Weigh myself each morning and record weight on Friday mornings.
  7. Save pop for Fridays and Saturdays.
  8. When taking Bella out, walk her around the building.
  9. Take picture of myself on the first of every month. See below for first set of pictures. Sexy, I know.

If you're curious, I do have a few other resolutions involving being more organized with my life, be more purposeful with God, church, prayer and bible-reading and with calling important people more consistently. But the main goal is as mentioned above. So this year I'll be "workin' on my fitness". Hopefully. If I can make myself. Let's see. Maybe I'll post at the beginning of February and if so, hopefully I'll be a lot less fat. :)Link

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Quiche Lorraine

One of my proudest funny moments was when I was telling Clint about the two types of quiche served at one of my favorite restaurants. I told him there was quiche lorraine and cheese pie. He asked me what cheese pie was and I quickly replied, "Quiche without the lorraine."

We laughed quite a bit. Sometimes we still laugh about it.

Anyway, tonight I'm making quiche lorraine. For the first time ever I am making homemade quiche. I've made it from pour-a-quiche but I have a really hard time finding that at the grocery store, so I finally decided to suck it up and make it from a recipe.

Have I mentioned how much I love my Better Crocker Bridal Edition cookbook? It is amazing. I have made many a tasty meals from it. Here are some of the delicious recipes I've made from the cookbook:
1. Mixed Roasted Vegetables & Pasta
2. Mexican Casserole
3. Cheese Enchiladas
4. Potato Chip Chicken
5. Pumpkin Bars
6. Garden Saute Patch

There are more I'm sure. But you should check out the cookbook for sure, if you enjoy cooking. Amazon has them used for like 10 bucks. Totally worth it. Definitely let me know if you have a cookbook that you love, too.

Friday, November 6, 2009

I love love

I am so incredibly, undeniably in love with my husband. Which works out, since, you know, we're married. But really, I do love him. I never fathomed a love like this. I always prayed I would marry a man with certain characteristics, but I think I never once prayed for a love like this. God has been so good to us, giving us stuff we don't even ask for. There are so many things I asked for in a husband and now that I'm with Clint I see so many things I didn't even think of asking for that are enormously complimentary to my personality. God knows me so much better than I know me.

I will say, though, there is definitely an element of fear that comes with a love as intense as this. I am so afraid of losing him. I anticipated this, though. It was one of my hesitations when he asked me out on our first date. I argued with him about the risk and he convinced me to take the chance. You know, better to have loved and lost . . .

I never thought for one second that I could comprehend God's love for me but that incomprehensibility is now even more so. I never knew a love like mine and Clint's. It has blown my mind. And this is just an earthly love. God's love is so beyond that. It's mind-boggling.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Who Knew Grocery Shopping Could be a Thrill?

In lieu of my new get-out-of-debt endeavor, I am now attempting to be a thrifty grocery shopper. I'm a Hy-Vee addict, so this is where my endeavor takes place.

My basic strategy is to check out the Hy-Vee weekly ad online before I write my grocery list, then make a menu (with cookbooks and to inspire me). Finally I make my grocery list.
I take my grocery list in, along with the calculator on my phone, and bargain hunt like I was never raised to do.

The main thing I do is get Hy-Vee brand for a lot of things. Basic products, like dairy and pasta really don't seem to have that much, if any, of a taste difference. And they are almost always cheaper.

Also, for produce and cheese, I buy the things that haven't been prepared for me. Anytime I buy carrots, celery, lettuce, cauliflower, I buy the kind that still needed to be peeled and chopped (very rarely is it cheaper to buy the pre-chopped sort). I often buy cheese by the block as opposed to the shredded/sliced. It's almost always much cheaper. But sometimes not - today the shredded was the exact same price per ounce as the blocks of cheese, so I got shredded for the kinds of cheese that I needed shredded ultimately anyway.
The tricky thing is that I have to do a lot of math. I'm constantly figuring out how much products cost per ounce, because sometimes the bigger thing is a better deal, but sometimes the smaller thing is the better deal, ounce-wise. For instance, this week the smaller block of cheese was cheaper per ounce than the bigger block, but last week the reverse was true. Sometimes I wonder if people think I'm weird standing there with my phone out, staring at prices. But, hey, I'm saving money.

Another thing that helps out is remembering the prices and paying attention when I'm ringing up. Hy-Vee has an amazing thing called a scan guarantee - if something rings up at the wrong price, it is free. But you have to notice it and point it out, of course. A while back, Clint and I got 4 free frozen pizzas because of the scan guarantee and today I got a bag of shredded cheese for free.

I would like to get better at coupon clipping, but every time I try it, I don't find a lot and even when I try to use some, the off-brand is usually still cheaper than the brand-name with the coupon.

I will say, though, that there are a few things that I have found that are, in my opinion, not worth skimping on. Toilet paper, cereal and deodorant are the main ones so far.

If you have anything else I could do to save money on groceries, let me know.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

I love getting out of debt!

We are already partway through paying off our debt and it hasn't even been that much work! This week we are going to be going from a Buick Rendezvous to a Pontiac Grand Am and this little switch will almost entirely wipe out our car debt! Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition!

I love this paying off debt crap. Here's what I think will happen with our Dave Ramsey plan over the next few months:

1. Finish building our $1000 emergency fund.
2. Take the next 10 months or so to pay off all debt except my school loans. That just leaves a little bit of seemingly justified debt.
3. Take a short break from paying off our debt to save up a down-payment for a house.
4. Buy a house!!!!!!
5. Resume our plan of paying off our debt, getting rid of my school loans. Then our only debt will be for our mortgage.
6. Continue with the rest of the Baby Steps.

This our tentative plan. We will, of course, probably have some kinks to work out and some punches to roll with, but, if the Lord wills it, this is what we'll aim for.

Plans feel good and so does paying off debt.

Now, if only losing weight were this easy to get started.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

When it rains, it pours!

In the context of the last post, this post would seem even more meaningful, so you might need to review.

Today was a day for Clint and me to be blessed. See blessings below. You know, God does tell us to count them!

1. I ran out of leave-in conditioner about a week ago. The stuff I use is $14. I know most of you wouldn't see leave-in conditioner as a "need" but it means I only have to brush my hair for 1 minute instead of like 15 very painful minutes. But we haven't had fourteen extra dollars lately. But we got a coupon for the exact stuff I use for FREE in the mail! Yay!

2. My average electric bill is like $80. Last month it was like $156 and I about shat myself. This month it said $228. Before Clint and I had a conniption fit we noticed two little letters next to the 228: CR. We have $228 in credit for electricity! I had put a big deposit down last year and they gave it back to me! That's like 2-3 months of electricity!
3. We went to Hy-Vee to buy a frozen pizza to cook for lunch tomorrow. There was a sale for 4 for $11. That's a pretty good deal so we got 4. When we went to ring up, they rang up as the regular price but Hy-Vee has a scan guarantee. That means when something rings up for the wrong price, you get it for free! So 4 free pizzas!

So yay!

P.S. I'm going to start keeping track of product prices at Hy-Vee. Free stuff for their mistake, here I come!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Money, Money, Money!

Baby steps:

1. Save $1000 for an emergency fund
2. Snowball debt
3. Save up for 3-6 months of bills
4. Can't remember - maybe pay off house?
5. Build wealth

These are Dave Ramsey's baby steps.

These are the steps Clint and I are going through.

These are the steps that currently feel interminable.

But we're doing it. We're downsizing from a two-bedroom apartment to a one-bedroom. We're going to try and sell my SUV and get a cheaper car. We are holding ourselves to a super strict budget.

It feels as if we'll never be able to eat out again.

So if you invite us to do something frivolous and we refuse, don't be offended. Maybe we can play cards instead.

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